For lovers of Surrealism, here is a brief love poem from French Surrealist Paul Eluard. A member of the original group of Surrealists led by Andre Breton, Eluard is a somewhat tragic figure from the period. Brooding, irreparably influenced and damaged by the war (WWI), and having lost the love of his life (his wife) to his fellow surrealist, the artist Salvadore Dali, the famous Dali painting to the right is especially poingnant when you understand that...
the man pictured is Paul Eluard, as painted by Dali himself.
She Looks Into Me...
By Paul Eluard
he looks into me
The unknowing heart
To see if I love
She has confidence she forgets
Under the clouds of her eyelids
Her head falls asleep in my hands
Where are we
Together inseparable
Alive alive
He alive she alive
And my head rolls through her dreams.
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